
Update on Fuel consumption - Still bad?

Its been a little while since I wrote a post about MPG for my E52 so thought it was time for an update!  You might want to read my earlier post here first: I have covered 6500 miles since I wrote my last post about this and have been recording my miles along with fuel intake the whole time, and also tried a couple of things to improve it along the way.  Just to recap for you, my driving style is very much to the speed limit, so my bus is at 70mph on a motorway rather than in the slow lane trundling along at 55 where I am sure you would be able to improve on these figures. The table below shows the first set of figures that I recorded and is largely similar to the previous post. It is a very slight improvement but that could be that I am being more careful and not seeing what my V6 can do. Litres KMs KM/L MPG 38 310 8.157895 23.0445

Elgrand E52 Buyers Guide

Interest is E52 ownership seems to be growing here in the UK and I often comment on Facebook posts offering my thoughts on what to look for when seeing one of these fabulous cars.  Hopefully the following tips will be useful if you are looking at them. CVT Lets start with the item everyone talks about and E51 owners love to complain about.  The CVT gearbox in the E52 needs maintaining to ensure it has a long life ahead of it.  General consensus is to replace the CVT fluid in the gearbox every 60000 kms and to only use Nissan NS3 fluid.  Some cars seem to have a sticker under the bonnet that details the last CVT fluid change details, so check for that.  If there isn't anything then you might have to assume it needs doing.  Its quite an expensive job to do as the NS3 fluid is around £100 per 5 litres and the gearbox takes over 10 litres! If you get the dealer to complete the work then ask them to give you the empty NS3 containers or see the receipts from Nissan.  You don't want t